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Amber Short

Okuden Level Practitioner


Amber Short was drawn to Jikiden Reiki as a methodology for relaxation and taking time to rebalance and recentre in today's busy world.  She is currently completing her 120 hours practicum to complete her Shihankaku level training.


Amber loves the personal connection and gentle healing that Jikiden Reiki provides between practitioner and client.  She is in constant awe of its ability to reduce swelling in sports injuries, aid in both physical and emotional healing processes, and relieve exhaustion, stress and pain. 


Amber is a classically trained Ashtanga yoga teacher who specializes in breathwork, and owns both branches of The Book Man.  She in honoured to call Chilliwack her home and strives to create inclusive community in all that she does.


Reiki Day


1st Friday of the month     10:00 am - 5:00 pm

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