Reiki Day
1st Friday of the month 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Next Reiki Day : October 3, 2014
Reiki is a natural hands-on energy healing technique for the purpose of stress reduction and relaxation.
The touch and energy of Reiki is simple, pleasant, natural and totally safe for anyone and can be given along with any conventional or alternative treatment.
There are no side effects or harm, therefore Reiki can be offered safely for pregnant women, children, elderly, people with serious illness and also as part of the palliative care.
Reiki is not meant as a substitute for medical, or psychological, diagnosis and treatment.
Reiki practitioners are not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any disease, physical or psychological. The use of Reiki may be for addressing the underlying spiritual issues that may be causing stress.
Reiki session should not be considered as a prescription, a promise of benefits, claims of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. The information, instruction or advice given by Reiki practitioners are not intended to be a substitute for competent professional medical or psychological diagnosis and care.
It is recommended you see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment you may have.
You should not discontinue or modify any medication presently being taken pursuant to medical advice without obtaining approval from your healthcare professional.
As a client, you must take complete responsibility for your own physical health and emotional well-being.